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3.19 Abstract Expressionism (1948-1962): Stepping Away from Europe.3.18 The New Objectivity (1925-1965): Cold and Technical.3.17 Surrealism (1920-1930): Things Just Get More Bizzare.3.16 Dadaism (1912-1920): The True Reality That Life is Nonsense.3.14 Cubism (1906-1914): Breaking Things Apart and Putting Them Back Together Again.3.13 Expressionism (1890-1914): Bringing a Political Edge to the Debate.3.12 Art Nouveau (1890-1910): The Pure Gold of Gustav Klimt.3.11 Symbolism (1890-1920): There is Always More Than Meets the Eye.3.10 Impressionism (1850-1895): Heralding the Era of Modern Art.3.9 Realism (1850-1925): Objectivity over Subjectivity.3.8 Romanticism (1790-1850): A Break from the Severity of it All.3.7 Classicism (1770-1840): Throwing It Back to Classic Times.3.6 The Rococo Art Period (1725-1780): Light and Airy, a French Fancy.3.5 The Baroque Era (1590-1760): The Glorification of Power and the Deception of the Eye.3.4 Mannerism (1520-1600): A Window into the Future of Kitsch.3.3 The Renaissance Era (1420-1520): The Reawakening of an Art Era That Never Really Existed.3.2 The Gothic Era (1100-1500): Freedom and Fear Come Together.3.1 The Romanesque Period (1000-1300): Sharing Information Through Art.3 A Comprehensive Art Movement Timeline.2 A Brief Overview of the Art Periods Timeline.

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