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Then there are the more fantastical races such as the Aranara, the Jinn, and the Pari, whose attitude towards humanity can range anywhere from suspicion at best to contempt at worst. Among humans alone there is a great rift between the people of Dharma Forest and the Great Red Sand, and even within each side there are groups like, respectively, the Akademiya and the radical Eremites who will happily resort to means fair and foul alike to get ahead, even against people within their side of the Wall of Samiel. Despite the fact that most of Sumeru's numerous crises tend to threaten all of the land, if not Teyvat at large, one would be hard-pressed to get them to work together for anything given how badly they get along. We ARE Struggling Together: Sumeru is home to a multitude of cultures and races, and there's constant friction and tension between most of them.Sumeru City is especially known as the City of Wisdom due to the Akademiya's location there. Scienceville: Naturally, as the Nation of Wisdom and the home of a Proud Scholar Race, Sumeru is this.The former revere Rukkhadevata, the previous Dendro Archon and God of Wisdom who disappeared during the Khaenri'ah Cataclysm, while the latter prophesy the return of Deshret, god-king of an ancient desert civilization, who they believe was usurped by the other deity as God of Wisdom. Soldier: A major conflict within Sumeru involves the Akademiya, and the radical Eremites, who continue to worship long-deceased deities. Proud Warrior Race: Conversely, the people of the Great Red Sand, in particular the Eremites, pride themselves as peerless warriors and mercenaries hardened through their harsh environment.Proud Scholar Race: The people of Dharma Forest are led by Teyvat's most prestigious learning institute, the Akademiya, and their culture highly values the gathering of knowledge and learning to the point where the lack of academic research or achievements can be a major cause of concern.Layered Metropolis: Sumeru City is built upon a single gigantic tree, with the residence of Kusanali at its highest point and the Grand Bazaar built in the caverns beneath the tree's roots.Nature Spirit: The Aranara were born from the seeds of pomegranates, and the Pari were created from the powers of the Goddess of Flowers.

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The Eremites from the Great Red Sand may also have been both named after the people of Sumer's neighbour Elam that was located in modern day Iran, as well as the ancient Greek word meaning "of the desert". Meaningful Name: Sumeru is named after a sacred mountain in Hindu/Jain/Buddhist cosmology, and is also one letter more than name of the ancient civilisation of Sumer that was located in modern day Iraq.Specifically, Alhaitham and Kaveh's Character Stories reveal that they were born into these classic scholarly families, although Kaveh's parents were hinted to have had a genuinely loving relationship. Marriage of Convenience: During the event "Windblume's Breath", Tighnari explains that Sumeru residents build social relationships and families to pursue further studies since academic resources are equivalent to social capital.Hates Reading: In Sumeru City and its surrounding areas, overreliance on the Akasha System, which provided users with the information they needed right away by beaming it into their brains, led to citizens devaluing physical books to the point where even obtaining them became difficult.Presently, Tighnari and his father are the only known characters that are their descendants. Fox Folk: Historically, there existed a race of fox-like beings named the Valuka Shuna who were subjects of King Deshret and possessed fennec fox ears.This cultural intermingling is best demonstrated by the Dendro Archon herself, whose mortal name "Nahida" is of Persian origin, but whose divine title "Kusanali" is Indian. Unlike the Persian-dominated Achaemenid Empire, however, Sumeru's central institutional, civilian, and religious cultures are primarily Indian, with secondary Persian elements sprinkled in. Fantasy Counterpart Culture: Culturally, Sumeru resembles a space-compressed version of The Achaemenid Empire, demonstrating elements of Indian, Persian, Arabic, Ancient Egyptian, and even bits of Greek culture as one moves westward.As it turns out, the people of Sumeru can dream, but their dreams are being stolen by the Akademiya via the Akasha to be used as processing power. This is explained by the Akademiya as a unique sign of the Sumeru people's rationality, and few in Sumeru question this strange quirk. Cannot Dream: The people of Sumeru cannot dream, unlike the people from all other nations.

Sumaru tv mirror