- #Download hirens bootcd 15.1 code#
- #Download hirens bootcd 15.1 iso#
- #Download hirens bootcd 15.1 windows#
If you want place it into another folder, please chang code for startup.cmd with path to find file iso.
#Download hirens bootcd 15.1 iso#
+Soure: Folder path E:\XP (when extract file xp.wim) +Destination: any where (but file name must be XP.WIM) +Compression: maximium +Options: check Boot Select create -Create file ISO: Open Open file hiren boot cd 15 iso with UltraISO, delete all file and folder except 3 files: X, XP.BIN, XP.wim +Replace file XP.wim (original) with file XP.wim (rebuild) +Save as file name minixp.iso (45MB) -Prepare file iso for startup: +File ISO must name hiren15.iso, place into root directory (for this tutorial). Change some information Original: off title Startup set HBCD=HBCD :a For %%I IN (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B) DO (dir %%I:\ 1>nul 2>nul & if /i exist %%I:\HBCD\HBCDMenu.exe set HBCD=%%I:&goto k) Change to off title Startup set HBCD=HBCD :a For %%I IN (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z) DO (If /i Exist "%%I:\Hiren15.iso" se t HBCD=%%I:) imdisk -a -f %HBCD%\Hiren15.iso -m Y: set HBCD=Y: goto k Save file. Using 7zip extract file XP.wim into folder (call XP, I place it partition E, path E:\XP) -Open file startup.cmd (E:\XP\I386\System32\startup.cmd) with notepad.
#Download hirens bootcd 15.1 windows#
Using Mini Windows XP with small size: I have two methods reboot.pro/topic/16528-tutorial-for-using-hiren-boot-cd-151-iso-on-usb-or-hdd/ 1/10 10/26/13 Tutorial For Using Hiren boot CD 15.1 ISO on USB or HDD - Hiren's Boot CD - reboot.pro Method 1: Get all information from an ISO file at startup. Select Y es for dialog -Image - boot sector properties – open – Select file boot sector you saved (dos.bin) – click open – Click OK – Click Save image. Using WinImage create new disk image with size 53MB +File – New file – Format Selection – Imported - Select custom image format +Get dialog: Edit FAT image size, Change image size (Total number of sectors) with 109456 +Click OK, save file with any name (dos.ima) -Open Hiren folder, drag and drop all file and folder into new file create with WinImage. Using 7zip extract 2 folders: Boot and Dos into folder HBCD -Open Boot folder (Hiren\HBCD\Boot), delete pmagic folder (you can boot pmagic from ISO file, do not need it), keyboard.bat, pmagic.lst -Now you get Hiren folder with size 52MB.

Dos.bin) -Using 7zip extract file dos.img in folder (Ex: Hiren) -Open folder Hiren (you make), create a folder name HBCD.

Delete some folders: +Folder: Programs, XP, pmagic (HBCD\Boot\Pmagic) -Save as file name Dos.iso (§ion=attach&attach_id=13273) Image.png (§ion=attach&attach_id=13273) 83.09KB 102 downloads Method 2: Boot to DOS version from file IMA (like disk image, dos.ima) -Extract file dos.gz (HBCD\Dos\dos.gz) -Using 7zip extract file dos.gz, get file dos.img -Using WinImage open file dos.img +Image - boot sector properties, click “Save” with any file name (ex. Method 1: Boot to DOS version from file iso (like dos.iso) -Open Open file hiren boot cd 15 iso with UltraISO, double click to open HBCD folder. Dos version: Only using apps from dos: It has two methods. Hiren boot cd have some apps: -for dos -for mini windows xp -linux: can use parted magic with only iso file. I make this tutorial for using hiren iso on USB or HDD with grub4dos. 10/26/13 Tutorial For Using Hiren boot CD 15.1 ISO on USB or HDD - Hiren's Boot CD - reboot.pro Sig n In Cr ea t e A ccou n t reboot.pro → Groups → Project forge → Hiren's Boot CD Tutorial For Using Hiren boot CD 15.1 ISO on USB or HDD Started by hason, Mar 1 4 201 2 07 :51 AM Post ed 1 4 Ma r ch 2 0 1 2 - 0 7 :5 1 A M hason Hi all!! Some people really need using Hiren boot CD 15.1 ISO on USB or HDD, but with one file ISO (500Mb) it too large and get some bug.